Open Graph image example by Vendr

We will help you negotiate every new SaaS purchase — completely free. Also includes access to software price benchmarks, procurement automation, integrations, and more.
Open Graph Meta Tags
Check out Open Graph meta tags as an example by Vendr:
<!-- Primary Meta Tags --><title>We will help you negotiate every new SaaS purchase — completely free. Also includes access to software price benchmarks, procurement automation, integrations, and more.</title><meta name="description" content="We will help you negotiate every new SaaS purchase — completely free. Also includes access to software price benchmarks, procurement automation, integrations, and more." />
<!-- Open Graph / Facebook --><meta property="og:title" content="Free Software Negotiations, Price Benchmarks, & Approval Flows | Vendr" /><meta property="og:description" content="We will help you negotiate every new SaaS purchase — completely free. Also includes access to software price benchmarks, procurement automation, integrations, and more." /><meta property="og:image" content="" /><meta property="og:type" content="website" />
<!-- Twitter --><meta property="twitter:title" content="Free Software Negotiations, Price Benchmarks, & Approval Flows | Vendr" /><meta property="twitter:description" content="We will help you negotiate every new SaaS purchase — completely free. Also includes access to software price benchmarks, procurement automation, integrations, and more." /><meta property="twitter:image" content="" />
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