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Open Graph Examples

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Open Graph image example by Engage

Customer Engagement for SaaS - Engage.


Open Graph image example by Bonfire

Design premium custom shirts to sell online or buy direct.


Open Graph image example by qwilr

Sales Proposal Software.


Open Graph image example by Trainn

Leading Customer Education Platform for SaaS businesses to accelerate product adoption, onboarding, and customer retention.


Open Graph image example by SuperFit

Build workouts programs and organize fitness clients & groups.

Say Primer

Open Graph image example by Say Primer

Reach Your ICP Anywhere with B2B Audience Data |

Simple Analytics

Open Graph image example by Simple Analytics

The privacy-first Google Analytics alternative - Simple Analytics.


Open Graph image example by June

Product analytics for B2B SaaS. Get auto-generated reports focused on how companies use your product.

Open Graph image example by

Growth Archive: B2B Growth Marketing Examples & Resources

Open Graph image example by

Kaltakquise Agentur: Neukunden in wenigen Tagen

Open Graph image example by

WhatsApp without saving number - WhatsApp Anyone app

Open Graph image example by - The ultimate SaaS starter kit

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Frequently asked questions

Answers to the questions people often ask about the Open Graph protocol and Open Graph social cards.

What is Open Graph?
Open Graph is a protocol that allows web pages to become rich objects in a social graph. Essentially, it is a set of meta tags added to the HTML of a webpage that provides information about the content of the page, such as the title, type, URL, image, video, and site name.
How is the Open Graph protocol used?
The information specified in the Open Graph meta tags is used by social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to display a preview of the webpage when it is shared on their platforms.
What is an Open Graph checker?
An Open Graph checker, or validator, is a tool that inspects your webpage to verify that the Open Graph tags are correctly implemented. It checks for the presence of necessary tags and whether they contain appropriate values that will effectively represent your content on social media platforms.
How to debug the Open Graph protocol?
To debug the Open Graph protocol, ensure correct OG tags are implemented, use validator tools like Facebook Sharing Debugger, Twitter Card Validator or our Open Graph tester to identify and fix errors, and clear social media caches to reflect changes.
What is the purpose of Open Graph images?
The purpose of Open Graph (OG) image is to provide a visual preview of the content being shared on social media platforms, enhancing engagement by giving users a quick understanding of what the linked page is about. Check out our OG image examples for inspiration.
What mediums support the Open Graph protocol?
The Open Graph protocol is supported by social media platforms, messaging apps, search engines, content aggregators and readers, email marketing tools, and bookmarking and content sharing services.
Where I can find Open Graph Image templates? is a valuable resource for anyone seeking inspiration for designing Open Graph image templates. The website showcases a variety of examples that demonstrate how effectively designed Open Graph images can enhance social media visibility and engagement.